Cybersquatting is generally bad faith registration of another’s trademark in as a domain name.
Is your business website Secure as Standard?
Secure as Standard - that's how Iosys Web Technologies, bespoke web developers based in Windermere build each website or web-app software project.
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Can you let me have all your personal details, as I'm going to open a bank account in your name without your consent?
Can you give me your bank account pin number?
Err - no! Would be the answer to such direct an obviously malicious attempts to gain access to personal and confidential information, yet every single day, huge swathes of people freely give this information away on social media without even realising.
Companies become more security aware
Bespoke software and web developers, Iosys, have been keeping a careful eye on Leicestershire's top companies and in particular on how secure, or otherwise, their websites appear to be.
Spam filtering as standard
Let's be honest, no-one really likes receiving junk mail particularly when it bloats your inbox - at the very least you waste hours per week deleting unwanted email and at worst, you could fall victim to a phishing attempt or other security related breach.
The Dangers of DIY
When it comes to websites and software, getting a mate to help you out isn't always the best approach - if you need a professional website that works and keeps your business and your site visitors' secure, then engage with a professional.
Facebook, Gaps & Google
At the time of writing, website security has never been such a talked about topic, especially with Facebook reportedly improperly having shared up to 87 million individual's data with political consultancy company Cambridge Analytica.
Less than HALF websites encrypted
Being present online is vital to any business, large or small, but getting it wrong can do more harm than good! Many people simply aren't aware that their website is open to the elements, in terms of potential security breaches and malicious attacks.